Reap What You Sow in 2024

Reap What You Sow in 2024

I’m not prone to New Year’s resolutions, thinking and feeling that my life trajectory moves forward via its own momentum in my purpose-filled life. A self-actualization seeker, I am. There will always, always, be something on the horizon – or popping...
It’s a ‘Books’ Christmas this year

It’s a ‘Books’ Christmas this year

Just in time to plump your personal library or to make a gift purchase for your favorite reader friend, this list has been published: Click on the link to access and then determine if you’ve read...
The Pros and the Regulars of USPS

The Pros and the Regulars of USPS

So, ’tis the season. The holidays approach and I’ve made endless trips to the USPS to mail packages to folks back home. Further, I’m an author who’s shipped ARCS and books to readers throughout the world and throughout the years. 😉 I am a Pro...
The Physics of Christmas

The Physics of Christmas

Bursts of logic grace me from time-to-time. Blondes can handle logic, donchaknow! With holiday shopping complete and cards are their way via USPS, I had a few idle moments to contemplate today.  I trolled our calendar, scoped the bookshelves, and ravaged the...


‘What’s in your wallet’, er, cupboards and shelves, crowded now by that insurgent, the Elf on the Shelf? What do you have stashed about the house? Here are some of my and my handsome husband’s handy-dandy, well-stashed stuff. Let’s...