I’m not prone to New Year’s resolutions, thinking and feeling that my life trajectory moves forward via its own momentum in my purpose-filled life. A self-actualization seeker, I am. There will always, always, be something on the horizon – or popping into the present – that lures me to grow, dedicated as I am to making the world a better place because I have lived.
For six months of 2023, I curated a collection of blog posts I’d written across the years I’ve been engaged in this public writing endeavor. The common theme of the posts – all true, btw, and not the comedic spunk-and-bite to which I am prone, is the title.
While spunk, puns, and sarcasm proliferate in my brain and often pop out of my mouth to enliven conversation, the book’s content is true-blue and may serve as a memoir. Not that it’s boring, but there’s a thoughtful depth to the slice-of-life tales. Sometimes lows became highs and I relish certain events that cemented my faith in a higher power, dedicated to saving me and serving me.
I published this creation on December 4, intent on distributing it among family and friends as a gift. Sort of a pay-it-forward, pay-it-back proposition because several of them populated the stories of miracles I related from my life.
Each recipient, as hoped for, was pleased.
You can read the collection of miraculous content if you like – here’s the Amazon buy link for the sparkly paperback: https://a.co/d/9SFijLl
But those are miracles that occurred in the past. I’m hoping for more in 2024. The one I fervently need is the best outcome of the PRP (plasma replacement protein) shots I received in both knees in late November. PRP injections are used to treat torn tendons, tendinitis, muscle injuries, arthritis-related pain, and joint injuries. All of which I have. However, my orthopedist has doubts because my arthritis may be too advanced.
Hope! Thoughts and Prayers, please and thanks.
Remember, you reap what you sow. What you plant into the lives of others comes back into your own. Seeds of change, seeds of rapture, seeds aglow. Make your words and deeds difference-makers in 2024. ask yourself this question, if you’ve never done so before –
How is the world different because you are alive?
What a really great gift to give to your family!
Thanks – my intentions were good, all good
I am one of the lucky recipients of this book! What a joy filled read by a joy filled author! God bless you PJ! Amazing book!
Thanks, Sista Suzi