Matthew Perry was my favorite Friend

Matthew Perry was my favorite Friend

Matthew Perry died unexpectedly a couple of weeks ago. He’d had problems for many years and was open about his additions and rehabilitation. Everyone applauded his openness and felt he’d conquered his demons. He seemed to have embraced his success, even...
It’s NaNo No-No for Me

It’s NaNo No-No for Me

Let’s rock the neurotic writing world, members of the Insecure Writers Support Group! Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG. I’m elated to be one of the November co-hosts of the IWSG blog hop. The others...
The Origin and Sustainability of TGIF

The Origin and Sustainability of TGIF

#TGIF is a ubiquitous acronym, so much so that it’s earned its own hashtag. In the current social media-run milieu that means it’s high value, endemic to our culture. A hashtag is an anointment! The phrase “Thank God it’s Friday” was reportedly uttered...


So, you think you’ve got courage, Constant Reader. Try this on for size: A friend who’d moved to Florida Facetimed me to tell me she was dying. She had courage. She loved me enough to let me know in person. Unable to fly the 3000 miles, she did the next...