A Limerick about Death and Taxes

A Limerick about Death and Taxes

Death and Taxes So, we got our taxes in on time. Having the sorting task off our backs felt sublime But, what the heck! We must write a check And that does not feel fine. Our country is trllions in debt Our check will have little impact But still, we must write We...


  I yield to my husband, the master of details, while I perceive the nuances and the big picture. We each give the other RESPECT. as experienced in our partnership of faith, truth, and love. Oh, and great peace. I think that each of us leads from ‘beside’,...
Tough Love

Tough Love

  Several years ago a sister whispered, “I didn’t get the empathy gene,” in a wistful tone of exposition. The stunning confession is tape-recorded in my memory, a specialty from my profession and a childhood spent in vigilance.It explained a lot...