by PJColando | Nov 13, 2018 | Uncategorized
People are prone to opinions, but like the pigs in the famous satiric book about society, Animal Farm, some people are more entitled to their opinions than others. For example, people of a certain age, like me. We are Boomers, people who’ve lived at least 50-60...
by PJColando | Jan 14, 2016 | Uncategorized
The other day I wrote about narrative arc, positing that a famous, mega-selling author eschews the literary cornerstone. His protagonist, Jack Reacher, never changes, and readers, especially women of a certain age, love him. But Jack Reacher is fiction, and Ethan...
by PJColando | Dec 2, 2013 | Uncategorized
I awaken at o-dark-thirty, yanked out of snore by overly frisky music. Aargh, I set my clock radio alarm last night, but somehow the dial got scrambled, and it’s not what I’d expected after the Madonna dance in my dreams. I stab the music off and slog through the...
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