by PJColando | Jan 19, 2016 | Uncategorized
My dietary aspirations have taken a pratfall again. It’s not my fault; it’s self-licensing. Never heard of the inherent human travail before? Here’s your definition of the Word of the Day: n. The unconscious tendency to allow yourself to do something...
by PJColando | Nov 18, 2013 | Uncategorized
The devil personified always seemed to be seated on my left side when she hissed fiery, false words directly at my face multiple times last year. I could almost feel her spite, er, her spit’s splash. Each time my breath felt sucked from my chest…thank God,...
by PJColando | Aug 19, 2013 | Purpose
hyperbolic MEANING: adjective: 1. Of or pertaining to hyperbole. 2. Of or pertaining to hyperbola. ETYMOLOGY: From Greek hyperbole (excess), from hyperballein (to exceed), from hyper- + ballein (to throw). Earliest documented use: 1646, 1676. (wow – before there...
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