
1. Of or pertaining to hyperbole.
2. Of or pertaining to hyperbola.


From Greek hyperbole (excess), from hyperballein (to exceed), from hyper- + ballein (to throw). Earliest documented use: 1646, 1676. (wow – before there were American politicians, media, and policy wonks)


Logic suggests that when you employ hyperbole in your discourse, you are doing what a devil does (to throw), etymologically speaking. I admit to being prone to hyperbole and intend to mend my discourse. Tomorrow, of course.
The word devil ultimately comes from Greek diaballein (to throw across, slander). Some other words that share the same root are ballistic, emblem, embolism, metabolism, parable, problem, parabola, and symbol.
I hope the chain of similarity among these words – the devil – isn’t in charge of the soup of life, though we experience all manner of devilish people who choose to stir things up with their words.
Jesus spoke in parables and to some it was – still is – all Greek.