The Jacuzzi Coffee Klatch

The Jacuzzi Coffee Klatch

I exercise daily. Though I shop on Saturdays and rest on Sunday, on weekdays I’m dedicated to a regimen of treadmill, then weights, and water aerobics in my local gym’s pool. It helps to offset the weight gain that seems inevitable for writers and women of...
My new addiction is Amazon Prime

My new addiction is Amazon Prime

I’m afraid I have to report: in 2019 I succumbed. To Amazon Prime. Its convenience, its speed, its spontaneity… and, unfortunately, its service to my impulse. I want it, I need it, I see it, I get it. In Primetime. Pronto! WIth a credit card with its...
Seamstress No More, No Matter Anyhow

Seamstress No More, No Matter Anyhow

I used to sew my own clothes, but not anymore. The talent – the time – is gone. I’m a Boomer-aged eyesight disallows threading a needle and I don’t wish to make more wrinkles in my forehead from fret. I feel like an antiquarian. I used to make...