Our social life has migrated to the middle of the week? Has yours as well?
That is, we often get together with friends on Hump Day, though without the camel, thank you very much: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxCVtEeJnZ
It seems that all of our local friends are baby-sitting their grands (you know I’m not referring to pianos, right?), so that the adult children can go out on the town and, well, date on weekends.
Some friends get invited to cruise, without a hidden agenda, but fully disclosed one: to take care of the grand kids.
Thank goodness for fulsome wholesome day care aboard cruise ships. I’ve seen those kiddie care groups about when we cruised: pirating to search for vaguely buried treasure, cluttering the putting green, or swarming the gelato booth. Larry and I wished that we could join them – we are not good with at-sea days, without adventures to stow.
I am glad for the reprieve of middle of the week evening with friends – better than what I’d felt we’d fallen into in a previous post. Our health and well being is stable, with a little help from our friends. https://www.pjcolando.com/social-life/
What’s your social life like, Constant Reader? Got any juicy stuff to pass on? I need blog fodder (wink-wink)
My current season has me ask “What is this “social life” you speak of?” 😉
Ha-ha, Jennifer, super-deilghtful mom,
Social Life is ‘being with friends’, which Larry and I used to do on weekends only 1) because we both worked long hours and were tired on weekday evenings 2) because he was most often working out of town anyway and only home on the weekends. It was a firm routine: work, then play. Laughter was always involved to alleviate the work stress.
Now we are getting used to the fact that we are able to eat out during the week because we don’t have to get up to work out of the home – at all!
Me thinks you are ‘swaddled’ in love – a better word than ‘swamped’
Our babysitting isn’t for date nights but for work nights – and work days – yes on weekends – and medical appointments where little ones are not welcomed. And it is for peace of mind that those little ones will be loved and well cared for by family not strangers. The idea of a cruise with or without grands is not my idea of a good time…just saying…
Gosh, Gail, you are fortunate folk – mutually so, with your family. What mutual treasures you are for/with each other. Many people get intermittent, rushed visits with their grands, relatives, and distant kin. Hurried, repetitive inquiries, stupid remarks like “My, how you’ve grown”, that I recall my grandparents saying – and now hear myself saying the same phrases. Aargh!
For ten (10) long years we only saw our sons for three days at Thanksgiving and seven days at Christmas. We were busy with jobs, socializing with friends, and maintaining a beautifully decorated 3,000 sq ft house. Job loses forced us to re-evaluate our options and we were delighted to leave everything and move to a tiny apartment in order to see our children as often as they wanted to be with us. It is our experience that extended family can disappoint but immediate family can bring great joy. Since all of this “family time” still feels new and important, our social life with friends has had to take a hit. I’m not sure that will change soon, but it’s nice to have had a chance to give this a thought. Nice post, sweet PJ!
Thanks, Gail, and Yeah for You!