Ah, what a sweet tableau the photo above is. Despite the fact that we know that teddy bear toys can’t read, their charm is undeniable and so we oblige and suspend belief. Imagine the trio of bears is reading a book of fairy tales on a fine day in the forest. Perhaps a little girl with golden hair dropped it on the way to her grandmother’s house when she was surprised by a wolf who frightened her. She dropped the book she’d planned to read to her bedridden grandma, in her haste to get away.

They’re reading the famous fairy tale about Goldilocks and the Three Bears and are aghast. Perhaps because Goldilocks is conceived as a little girl with golden ringlets –  like Shirley Temple, the wildly popular child movie star nearly a hundred years ago –  she is cast as the heroine, while, in fact, she was a very naughty girl. It’s a cautionary tale about trepass and using other perople’s possessions without permission.

As writers, we may relish a challenge on this fine Tuesday. Let’s try re-fashioning the popular fairy tale.

Three bears arrived at their den/tiny house after a forest walkabout and discovered a yellow-haired girl sleeping in one of their beds. Bravely and without calling the cops, they entered their house, seeking the source of snoring. Clustered together, the family walked through their home, feeling violated, creeping and weeping through a path of destruction:

  • the front door left open, unlocked
  • their breakfast porridge tasted with one gobbled up
  • the smaller bear’s chair broken
  • and a girl who was not chagrined.

The yellow-haired girl was neither too hot nor too cold, either too soft or too hard, so, as humans, do we side with her?

She may or may not reformed, as shown in this fractured fairy tale. Click on the link to watch and tell me what you think in the Comments.
