You may/may not have heard me share that we’ve averaged two months/year of houseguests. My husband and I have lived here for nearly forty years… do the math.

Yes, welcome or unwelcome, we are nearing a benchmark of seven years of tourists onsite, children and/or adults in our face, requesting meals as well as comfy bed, fresh-washed linens, and pillow choices đŸ˜‰ Thank goodness we don’t have a pet, which might ignite allergies and complaints. Thank goodness most guests take us out to dinner, without expectation-to-pay.

It never mattered because… well, while friends may ask, family never does. It’s regarded as a right, a genetic entitlement, if you will. Another way to regard their entitled stay is that they are GPS-linked. Our home is homing-pigeoned to theirs. I’m not complaining. Actually, I am not – I’d rather friends and family come here to visit than for us to go there. Fifty trips/year we can not afford, in either $$$ or time.

Back to GPS. With each of our recent visitors, accompanied by cell phones and willingness to rent a car, we’ve suggested that they consult a map. Either before they arrive or while here. We point to our drawer, full of them and provided free by AAA.

“No, I got GPS.”

To which we reply, “You really should check a map.” Google has them in 3-D for gosh sakes.

“No, I got GPS.”

I do not endeavor again.

And so, they arrive, move into the guest room and another, open their suitcases, eat breakfast, and set off. To Mann’s Chinese, Griffith Observatory, or Disneyland. To Legoland, Sea World, and the San Diego Zoo. There are literally hundreds of sites to vist.

But our guests are single-minded and goal-oriented. They are equipped with GPS.

We try to stuff our ears for the oftenly-voiced complaints. Such as “Did you know how far that was?” and “Your traffic is awful” and “Your gas is so high.” Sigh.

We never remind them that they’d know all of this if they’d looked up the info online.

Or used a paper map, elegantly spread across the passengers’ laps.

No, no, no, no. They gots GPS.