We are into the second month of 2022, the new year experienced with anticipation, anxiety and every emotion in between. Yesterday was my birthday, so yesterday’s theme was celebration elation!
I adore birthday celebrations, especially now that the numbers are bigger… I wish, however, that my aging body was feeling better and not badder.Thank goodness scientists are studying whether drugs that prolong life in animals (!) can prevent the aging process in humans. “Hurry,” I say. The results aren’t expected to come to fruition until 2050, a landmark year I’m not likely to make. In the meantime, massive amounts of progress is being made to handle heart disease, osteoporosis, and strokes. And, there’s the daily drudge of eating healthy, including hydration, hydration, hydration.
I’ve always been an afternoon nap-taker… now they are longer and not the power naps they once were.
I need help to lose the pandemic pounds – you, too?
Instead of this brand of magical thinking, younger women are stomping their foot and raising the fists in defiance of the dreaded diet and it’s oingo bongo diet yoyo. A slew of new books have been published since the pandemic began. Amazon even sells them in an $80.00 bundle. It’s my plan to read one of these books every two weeks and then “poof”! The pounds will magically vanish. Who cares where they go because, sadly, you and I know that they will adhere to my aging body once again via that slower metabolism thing. Further, there’s the ever-present debacle of my aging knees that confine my intention to walk. F*ck-It!
You guessed it – that’s the book I’ll read first.
Back to February, the month of my birthday, which also contains Groundhogs, Valentine’s and Presidents’ Days. One of those holidays is a diet blockade. As well as the Super Bowl, also known as the Super Ad(vertisement ) Bowl, with it’s diet-busting guacamole and chips!
Yeah but, avocados are a healthy fat! Maybe that’s how we should refer to ourselves, too. 🙂
I’ll try it out.
I adore your POV, Jessica! It’s no wonder we have affinity – inside our healthily plump bodies, minds, and souls.