by PJColando | May 7, 2024 | Adventure, blog post
If the November election goes south and the MAGA-mad majority elects Mr. ‘Dictator on Day One’, my husband and I will become ex-pats. ‘Don Poorleone’ should be buried in lawsuits, convictions, and debt. but he’s not. Holy teflon crap!...
by PJColando | Feb 27, 2024 | Adventure, blog post
Believe it or not, this happened to me, despite the extraordinary odds that such could occur. There’s a story to tell, so buckle up, read and gasp, and be grateful it didn’t happen to you! You can bank on the story’s truth. As best as I can put it...
by PJColando | Jan 30, 2024 | Adventure, blog post
I love cartoons. Within the bubbles over each character’s head much can be said. Comedic, Dramatic, Political. Cartoonists have license to go for it. So, what would each character in this photo say? Go For It! Now try this one....
by PJColando | Jan 9, 2024 | Adventure, blog post
Christmas marked the 200th day since Spark became our dog. We rescued him from a sad situation and, in turn, he rescued us from the contented, yet flat groove my husband and I had slipped into. So, I co-opted a popular Christmas song to call out his contributions to...
by PJColando | Sep 20, 2023 | Adventure, blog post
Today is our Sparky dog’s birthday. As far as we know. He was rehomed with us because his prior owner was an elderly woman whose decline due tp Alzheimer’s Disease escalated. Therefore no papers were found to verify his birthdate and pedigree. We were Good...
by PJColando | Aug 29, 2023 | Adventure, blog post
At age 14 my parents said I was boy crazy, but my interest was innocent. Boys weren’t coy, like the girls at any age. Boys laughed aloud rather than giggle discreetly, behind their hands. I had a quick wit and an active imagination… boys could keep up....
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