For three years I’ve been writing a book, a novel activity for me –

Stashes      I highly recommend it.

The title, STASHES, came from the Lord above, I swear. It just infused, floated into mind, with narrative arcs imagined, bit by bit over time.

The prompts and circumstances spooled out, evolved, as if threads were stitching together, cut of country cloth. As characters shared their details and points of view, I was positioned on the swirl of their lives, round and round and round – triggered by a power mightier than the pen.

Empathy, be in touch – I highly recommend it.

So that, if/when you wince at a physician’s news, a niggling issue of great consequence, you just bend over and into the keyboard and write, fixed in your working head, not a worried heart.

I highly recommend it. You can get through ten weeks of scanxiety – and receive the reprieve of good news…because God wills it. Being connected with a book, one within which you can stash your body and soul, achieving wellness inspired.

I highly recommend it.

Buy my novel STASHES. I commend its message, its mission, its mercy for me.

Living life as a miracle, the replenishment of writing fiction as a diversion from strife.

I highly recommend it.