Hey, howdy, the first Wednesday of the month has come ’round again and it’s time to confess one’s writing insecurities with a group of compadres who empathize, advise, and don’t judge: https://www.insecurewriterssupportgroup.com The awesome co-hosts today are Jemima Pett, Nancy Gideon, and Natalie Aguirre!
April 5 question – Do you remember writing your first book? What were your thoughts about a career path on writing? Where are you now and how is it working out for you? If you’re at the start of the journey, what are your goals?
I began writing, well tinkering with words, a dozen years ago. I was seeking a post-career hobby that would fill the empty eight hours, but more importantly, I need the pastime to spark joy! To revive my spirit, rather than feel I’d fallen off the edge of the earth, no longer relevant in the world. I’d always led an other-directed, purpose-filled life. With retirement, I could focus on the fulfillment of my wishes, lies, and dreams.
It didn’t take long to settle on writing. After all, I am a word nerd who has a gift for stringing words together, with iambic pentameter beats in my head. My high school English teacher would be so proud… yeah, the dude who wanted to date me, but my mother disallowed.
Early on, my writing was in phrases worthy of songs, a personal sort of I tunes.
While I am a process person, a product soon evolved. I wrote one, then two, then three, four, five books, with another in process. Suddenly I found myself in the midst of an encore career. While this career hasn’t yielded the money made in my first career, it’s yielded great satisfaction.
With my encore career, I’ve met my post-career goals. Writing sparks joy for me!
Do you remain insecure or do you feel fulfilled – tell me in the comments, please and thanks.
That’s great writing has given you such joy and purpose!
‘Tis, Alex.