One of the worst roadblocks to Happiness is a person I call the Control Monster. This person’s needs for security – a constant hole in her soul that must continually be refilled – override anyone else’s needs. She, and others like her, only seem to feel safe when every button is jabbed so that others around them feel miserably on edge. Who knows what will trigger a tantrum? Most often it’s never known because the Control Monster has already blown her top and can’t/won’t explain. She’s stomped off and remains untouchable, leaving me/you bewildered.
Her uncanny, stabby manipulation unerringly hits its mark – and as soon as one figures out the triggers, the rules of her game may have changed. Life is quicksand in her domain.
Raise your hand if you know a Control Monster, aka Narcissist Freak-out Specialist.
The lovable, ever-hungry Cookie Monster, she isn’t.
Fear, blame, and retribution are her weapons. She’s insidious and stealthy in her approach. She’s mastered marionette puppeteering and could have written Machiavelli’s book. Her punches are hidden below the belt and behind your back- with an occasional blow to the jaw – aimed well to kill off your reputation. To maim your ability to talk back. No matter what happens it will be the other person’s fault. Don’t ask me how I know.
The Control Monster needs to learn a new tune. Here’s a cool one, performed to disco’s insistent beat, by the Cookie Monster – let’s dance and hope this happens!
She’s the thief of peace and joy, the hoarder of happiness – for herself. I’m unsure if she even knows that other people have needs and wants and feelings, because her own out shine any others in her sphere. There’s a single point of view – hers – and it is omniscient. She extorts the equilibrium of others, making them feel they’re the ones who are insane. If you know a Cookie Monster, be wary and steer clear. My condolences and best wishes for your mental health.
They say, “It takes all kinds to make the world go round.” To which I reply, “No it doesn’t.”
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