by PJColando | Mar 7, 2017 | Uncategorized
So, we depart soon for vacation, South America bound. Our tour package, entitled “The Best of South America”, highlights prized sites and sights: Buenos Aires, Iguazu Falls, Machu Picchu, and Easter Island. We’re hoping the physicality of this trip...
by PJColando | Oct 20, 2014 | Uncategorized
Hi y’all – did you miss me? I was on a cruise to visit Japan, Korea, and China for 2 1/2 weeks, +/- a day due to the International Date Line. Nope. Well, how could you miss me? – I had blog posts cached. (which reminds me of STASHES – have you...
by PJColando | Nov 6, 2013 | Uncategorized
It’s said that lightning never strikes twice in the same place, but let this post be the amendment. Lightning most definitely struck and someone recorded the event on film; lightning almost struck another time, when I lost my head and agreed to ride the cable car to...
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