It’s said that lightning never strikes twice in the same place, but let this post be the amendment.

Eiffel Lightning

Lightning most definitely struck and someone recorded the event on film; lightning almost struck another time, when I lost my head and agreed to ride the cable car to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

Did I mention that it was the grey, weepy-skied period between Christmas and New Years? And that we were with another couple, a known dare devil and his wife? There was no taking back this gift to self, no after-Christmas sale.

But divine intervention foiled the haywire aspiration that overcame me that night….when we got up to the tier of the cable car, after chilling in line for an hour…the cable car’s door was frozen in its open position after it disgorged its load of tourists…and so, I was saved from my lapse. I didn’t have to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower after all, without loss of face or life.

Larry says that it’s a big world and we don’t have to go back to Paris. He is done, and so am I.

We are not going to the top; we are going Down Under. Want to join in?