Friend or Foe or Backfriend

Friend or Foe or Backfriend

This message arrived via email, from one of the several word nerd services to which I subscribe. I don’t mind these emails among the congestion of junk and such. What I deplore are the donation pleas from members from both political parties and the expensive...
Parts is Parts

Parts is Parts

The Wendy’s hamburger chain added a chicken sandwich to its menu in the ’80s and this memorable ad was created, never to be forgotten The part of speech indicates how the word functions in meaning as well as grammatically within the sentence. An individual...
The Power of Re

The Power of Re

As my friends and family know, I’m enamored with all things Egyptian. My husband and I have traveled to the country three times. A little-known fact is that Pharaoh Akhenaten, who was married to the fabulously beautiful Nefertiti also mandated the rule of one...
Existential Ennui

Existential Ennui

Existential Ennui. Do you feel it? Does it exist? Holy Crap! I swear I never want to read the phrase again – I will gag if I see it in print. I will elect an out-of-this-world experience… for the perp who writes it. It’s become the most overdone word...
Name-calling in the Adult World

Name-calling in the Adult World

How often do you get into an argument and think of the perfect comeback … three days later? To take down your opponent, tired vocabulary will not suffice. That comeback has to be spectacular. Confuse and conquer your foes with your linguistic wit; here are some words...