The Up Side of Bad Habits, cont.

The Up Side of Bad Habits, cont.

As you know, I’m all about the Up Side of life – there always is one, in any situation, and among my talents is finding it fast. I wrote a book about it; ’twas the text of a talk that wowed women at my church. Look for it on the Books by Me page of...
The Spin

The Spin

Conflict, drama, travail…life constantly spins little ‘hiccups’ into one’s cycle, no matter what the schedule, the plan. Jump in, jump back, circle around again, sort of like the spin cycle of a washing machine, a ‘soap opera’, if...

UPside = US

It was 8 years ago today…that we saw Paul McCartney in concert. Well, not quite, the event was the second weekend in November. But it comes to mind now, and I can’t wait to share the joyous remembrance. Especially because Paul and his band wowed the...