Bag Balm as Aphrodisiac?

Bag Balm as Aphrodisiac?

My dear mother, long departed, gave this square tin of Bag Balm to my husband, for Christmas one year. Note that its colors match the season. Also know that it was a spectacularly perfect gift, one that brought a broad-face smile to my husband, who then leapt up to...
“You have beautiful skin”

“You have beautiful skin”

“You have beautiful skin,” he said. Though my husband wasn’t within earshot, it was too late in the evening to be a come-on, so I just smiled and said “Thanks.” And, then I gave him the spiel, the story I’ve been repeating for 30+...
My next life

My next life

My friends and family have often heard me say: “In my next life I’m going to have thick hair and a tan.” I am revising that wishful thinking in favor of having a thick skin. It would have helped me more in this one. What is your best wish for a...