Friend or Foe or Backfriend

Friend or Foe or Backfriend

This message arrived via email, from one of the several word nerd services to which I subscribe. I don’t mind these emails among the congestion of junk and such. What I deplore are the donation pleas from members from both political parties and the expensive...
Envy is the Source of All Evil

Envy is the Source of All Evil

I’ve written about envy several times in the past. I selected one I wrote four years ago because it showcases some phrases from Aussie slang that I cherish. While some say the love of money is the source of all evil, in my...
A slave to Shakespeare ;-)

A slave to Shakespeare ;-) I’m an inadvertent slave of William Shakespeare – with whom I have much in common, some people say. Apparently, he re-invented the English Language, invigorating it with words he invented… And, my favorite...