by PJColando | Aug 23, 2022 | blog post
I’v long been a fan of bees – how about thee? Here are five facts that will prove them worthy. Bees are always being extraordinary! 1. Bees have assigned jobs. Wild honeybee colonies vary in size, but the average hive managed by human beekeepers includes...
by PJColando | Jun 30, 2020 | Uncategorized
In April billygoats arrived and a famous song came to mind. High on the hill stood a lonely goatherd… The ensemble was hired by my suburban city to provide the ubiquitous fire break. “Yodel-ayee-yodel-ayee-yodel-ay-hee-hoo!” Everyone knew their...
by PJColando | Jul 10, 2018 | Uncategorized
Ten days ago my husband and I returned from a Grand Trip: shepherding grand kids and their folks to the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Parks, the epicenter of Nature’s gifts to Earth, a spectacular conglomeration of geysers, critters, waterfalls, and rock...
by PJColando | Mar 15, 2016 | Uncategorized
I had a beauty make-over in the 80s at Image Works with my splendid friend, Sandi Clark. The purpose was to authenticate my adulthood, my move from co-ed to professional woman, if you will. she added lipstick to ‘bring color to my face’, overriding the...
by PJColando | Mar 5, 2014 | Uncategorized
Nature is – an ever-changing art museum. How lucky I am to have unlimited admission. Where should I go to luxuriate in her glamour today, tomorrow, this summer, soon? After six sets of house guests since January 1, hostessing other people’s vacations...
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