LIFE as a MIRACLE: the book of Mormons

LIFE as a MIRACLE: the book of Mormons

So, last summer my husband and I drove days and days through Utah, the land of Mormons and flat, distant-vista terrain. Our destinations were the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone, the grandest of “America the Beautiful” parks. Along the way, we...
Life as a Miracle: Lost and Found

Life as a Miracle: Lost and Found

A fan/friend told me that she relishes the tales I write from life… I do, too. Especially when it comes to citing miracles. What follows is among the best, one that shouts ‘luck of the Irish’, followed by a chaser of champagne or beer. The two...
Living Life as a Miracle: the lost is found!

Living Life as a Miracle: the lost is found!

Today is our wedding anniversary! Hurrah and hallelujah! Since I have been in a miracle mindset, let me repeat: one of the three best miracles of my life is the night I met Larry Colando by the beer keg. The other two are my birth and my re-birth. Amen. Let me add...
A Safe Place

A Safe Place

“I put it in a safe place.” How many of you have done this? Put an important item in a ‘safe place’, and then moved on with the hurly-burly of life, and…were unable to locate the item when needed, bewildered? I’ve learned to relax...