A Reading Rainbow of Quotes

A Reading Rainbow of Quotes

You and I don’t need reasons to read, do we? We don’t need motivational quotes either. But here are a few I relish – what might you add to the list? What I love most about reading: It gives you the ability to reach higher ground. And keep climbing.”...
Kindness Sparks in the Age of COVID-

Kindness Sparks in the Age of COVID-

At that time in recent history, none of us had experienced – or witnessed a pandemic. Only in movies did mayhem reign, like in ‘Contagion’ or ‘Panic in the Streets.’ Mobs looting pharmacies and neighbor turning on neighbor. Ruthlessly...


My belief system should be clear to you, Constant Reader. I’ve often used the Einstein quote in my four years of blog-iverse blather. There is a God and He offers miracles daily. I believe. It’s a choice. I also had grand Parents, who tried their best to...
The Power of 1

The Power of 1

in 1921 a playwright coined the word “robot” for a science fiction play. I learned this fact at a UC Irvine lecture showcasing their center dedicated to stroke rehabilitation with the use of robotics. Credible, incredible stuff. 80 years later, the world...