Baking and Beading and Bunco

Baking and Beading and Bunco

What creative endeavors became casualties of COVID and it’s resultant pandemic in your life last year? What succumbed to the over-arching need to survive? The beaded bracelets shown in the photo below show two of the pastimes that disappeared from my life:...
Life as a Miracle: LAX Crosswalk

Life as a Miracle: LAX Crosswalk

It was late night and I was alone. At LAX, a pinpoint on the daily passenger map, estimated back then at 50 million people a day. A minuscule ant among those traveling hither-thither-and-yon. Scared. You bet I was. Even a near miss wouldn’t do: I needed to...


Well, it took 30 years to arrive, but 1984 is here. The novel was actually published in 1949, amidst the post WW2 euphoria. People thought George Orwell was dyspeptically grim, but it reached iconic, bestseller status anyway, infused with the universal paranoia that...