Live Strong

Live Strong

  Long before Lance Armstrong built a charitable empire to fight cancer, fueled by sales of the bracelet that my husband and I wear daily (the back story of that dates to 2005, and is a whole other blog) – and long before Lance fell from grace, I shared...
Hearty, happy, and unbreakable – not!

Hearty, happy, and unbreakable – not!

Hearty, happy, and unbreakable. This is my habitual stance: smiling, laughing, and dancing with great peace and joy. Contained, cool, quick-witted. Independent, undaunted, suave. I work assiduously over every endeavor to which I commit. Smiling all the while, making...
Life as a Miracle: Satchel Easy-Peasy

Life as a Miracle: Satchel Easy-Peasy

Life as a Miracle for the Colando couple seems to revolve around airports, not a door. Life as a Miracle related to travel validates our quest, our zest for forays throughout the world. The one I’ll relate in this post rolls back to 1993, when my husband...