Spender Bender

Spender Bender

My husband and I saved money after gaining it the good old-fashioned American way:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAMRXqQXemU We moved to the land of Opportunity that California was in 1979, a bit behind the steep climb in housing prices, fantastic career...
Prescient lack of character

Prescient lack of character

Did you hear that I published a book? Seriously, everyone who knows me knew I would – I have a ‘completion thing’. The term stems from one of the few movie dialogue lines I can recite -“I don’t have a completion thing” –...


My husband took me and house guests on an LA field trip the other day. We went to see the Endeavor. Awesome, cherished, and embraced as embodiment of American know-how and fundamental sharing – what a spectacular vehicle to view up close and personal. In its new...