My Boomer friends and I are fuming. It feels better to be fribbly fuss-budget than be-fuddled. Agreed?
Our griping may be similar to the Angry White Man diatribes, the male version of snark, about Every Thing that’s Wrong with America. (clue: it’s all the President’s fault) ) Our female version of fearful, inflammatory self-expression in the Brave New World.
Here’s the cause, and if you happen to be a husband, Constant Reader, you know women are always right (wink-wink):
The local cable TV company has unilaterally demanded that all households replace their unencumbered TVs with their little electronics box. I’d say more if I understood, but my friends and I agree that we just want ON/OFF. No circumlocution through the amplifier with its surround sound, no hyper-sparkly HD. No extra buttons to push on the remote, no hurdles to jump before one can watch a favorite show. No-no, no-no-no-no, no-no-no-no more (do you recognize the cadence of a rock song, Ms./Mr. Boomer?)
The request extends to our washers and dryers, too. No fancy-dancy settings and selections for load size, water level, and soil saturation. Just ON/OFF. A friend’s husband is ready to super-glue the dial on their washer thus.
We only want up/down with our toaster, the lone choices of the garage door opener. We only desire simple: appliances as straight forward as our men. Like men have few moods, we secretly wish TV still only had three networks, with Sunday Night at the Movies on CBS. Maybe three nights less of football, too. Definitely PBS as our learning fix.
Speaking of PBS…everyone I know is in love with Rick Steves, the boyish traveler extraordinaire. Think his brain looks like this?
See how simple it is to shift from snipe to the sublime? All one needs in an ON/OFF temperament switch. Simple, simple, simple: you digress/regress to the lighter side of life.
Oh yes, PJ. I too am all about on/off! But of course all the appliance makers have conspired against that option. Love the applications you make to the brain itself. There are times I’d like to turn that off too, but mostly I want my brain switched on!
I oft times have trouble with that blessed brain ‘off’ switch when I’d rather drift off to sleep however…do you, Shirley? What do you do to board the sleep train before midnight?
I either read until my eye lids get heavy or listen to a podcast. Usually I’m asleep by the time it gets to the end.
good to know, Shirley…have you tried the Simply Rain app?
Thanks for tip. Just downloaded it.