

Books in The FAITH, FAMILY, FRENZY! SERIES Buy Now This assortment of blog posts represents a curated compilation of the author’s life, garnered from her archive of blog posts released over a dozen years. The theme: Life as a Miracle.This is not the usual memoir...
Masks: Public Armor and Fashion Statement

Masks: Public Armor and Fashion Statement

No longer limited to Halloween and Carnivale, masks have become the preferred public interface protection. Their purpose: to prevent the inevitable droplets ejected from one’s mouth during coughing and/or talking from spreading the disease to others. It’s...
Yesterday… all my troubles seemed so far away

Words & Music: Rock ‘n Roll

What was the soundtrack of your coming of age? For my husband and I, it was rock ‘n roll, a genre that was reportedly named by a radio DJ in Cleveland, a city in the Midwest, near our roots states of Indiana and Michigan. It was music one could dance to…...