I don’t know about you but living under lockdown caused swirly nightly dreams. Pre-COVID, such vibrant dreams were only fostered by dining on a high sugar dessert when dining out with others…


Now dining – with others especially – is a distant dream. Some Orange County, CA restaurants have closed forever, shuttered by the economic downturn that has accompanied the massive – and necessary – effort to save lives.

Because people were shut-in, the economy largely shutdown. Unemployment returned to the Great Depression levels and all stock market gains were lost, back to the level of the 2008-10 Recession.

No one was cavalier and politicians argued the merits and demerits of various policies. The tremulous and indecisive nature of leaders – and their collective capitulation to pundits increased American citizen’s inclination to feel they lived on quicksand. Everyone prayed to a deity – be it God or Buddha or Mohammed or money – to save us.

Sleep was not always robust for my husband and I, but my dreams were. Improbable topics and people appeared, often not in their real-life roles, but in an ensemble – and often the actions were without point.

In one of my dreams (in the wee hours of the morning, I know, because I looked at the clock), a thief with blonde hair began to wrestle me to the ground. She seemed determined to steal. Whether my money or my soul, it mattered not.

I swiftly sat up in bed and shouted, “Stop!” My frightened husband immediately grabbed the bedside flashlight and roamed our home, searching for the culprit who caused me to shout. Our neighborhood had once experienced a cat burglar who entered homes in the wee hours, stealing valuables, including our feelings of safety.

What a COVID parallel! A covert thief invaded our safety and security day-and-night.

I slept like a baby soon after we re-tucked in, though I doubt my husband did. For me, it was a turning point – I haven’t endured bad dreams since.

To do my bit to keep the economy going I ordered this PJ Savage brand sleep tee. I commemorated my recovered spirit.

Now I feel like ‘PJ Savage’, in control of my life. It may be an illusion, but I’m good with it.