I love the telephone; it can be so intimate. The voice carries so much humanity, even the silent pauses speak… Its communication facility keeps our loved ones who live in Elsewhere, USA, near and dear.

But I’m not too fond of FaceTime.

It’s a quirk of mine. Make-up, hairdo, and being dressed appropriately are involved. Sometimes our Midwestern friends and relatives forget the time zone difference. Note to them: because I’m a retiree with no particular place to go at 7:00 a.m., I’m likely to be dressed in my pajamas with uncombed hair and an unwashed face. I’m unnerved, not ready, etc. – especially because my morning caffeine intake hasn’t kicked in to fuel my abilities to think and speak.

Nor am I fond of texts.

Use of urban slang, lack of punctuation, and reliance on emojis pepper the texts of the young people I know as well as my friends. I don’t like spending extra  time trying to decipher the message. Just call me, dammit!

The utility of email and text that I do appreciate is the ability to inform more than one person at a time. This function is not only expedient, but it’s easy to to do.

What’s your preferred method of communicating with friends and family? Please share in the comments, peeps. Consider this an informal poll.

Here’s an important blast-for-the-past post, which delineates a time when a lone pay phone was a wonderful and necessary link between my beloved husband and me: https://www.pjcolando.com/life-miracle-att-phone-home/