🙂 As you may know I have an extravagantly-healthy sense of self. Predicated on a staple of life demonstrated repeatedly, steadfastly, and in numerous ways:

  • I was raised in small farm-based communities in the ’50s Midwest, a place where everyday life was replete with chores with little time left to create chaos, at which Mother Nature’s skills surpassed anything humans could conceive btw. Sure, American had H-bombed sites in Japan, but that was a million miles away and fueled by moral imperative. Heck, as a child, I likely didn’t know about it until I studied U.S. history.
  • Life wasn’t multi-media, realtime intense in the time of my youth. I didn’t watch nightly tv news. I was a child and only lived in the present, likely immersed in a book. That’s how I circumvented the chaos of tantrumming, demanding others in my house. I am blessed that my mother allowed me to do so.
  • I know that I am loved, the daughter of a King and married to the best man alive  🙂 We don’t complicate each other’s lives unnecessarily, which accounts for most anything. Supported I am! This invisible-to-the-world backbone is vital because self-support can be exhausting. Like playing water polo, the need to dog paddle below the surface never abates…

I am a professional communicator with an easily-spread smile. I’ve moved all my life and I know how to win friends.

I am also forthright with a strong sense of fair play.

While I never fully ascribed to the service industry policy, “the customer is always right”, instituted a hundred years ago by famed London department stores  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_customer_is_always_right and polished to perfection by the highly successful Nordstrom, I’ve been unprepared to the pervasive rebuff by Millenial-aged managers I’ve experienced in successive days in a wide swath of industries:

  • a physician’s office
  • our local pharmacy
  • our sports club
  • a writers group

Seriously… Despite my smile, introduction – complete with extended hand of camaraderie – and attitude of plaintively-stated and nonemotionally-embellished issue with customer service, I was subjected to testy, decrying outburst. And/or whining projecting and defamation of my spirit.

And, just to put put a tweaky cap on this rant…when I beseeched my husband to carry forward my concerns with the female manager of the Sports Club, she smiled and complied. Grr-r-r. Did sexism return – or did it never depart?










