No, this is not one of Aesop’s famous fables about the tortoise and the hare. My limerick tale is my creation, a fable I made up as response to another writer’s limerick titled ‘Urtle the Turtle.’
My fable’s title is ‘Sam and Spark’ and it has a message as all good fables do. Read on –
There once was a tortoise named Sam
Who thought our patio and pool were glam
Under his shell
He lived very well
Imbibing bits of lettuce and ham.
One day calamity arrived
And he feared he wouldn’t survive.
A cool dood named Spark
Who loved to bark
And disturb the peace upon which Sam thrived.
Sam pulled into his shell like a rock
So, all the noise and commotion were blocked.
All day it was dark
And the dog didn’t bark.
But the day-long hunger was a shock.
Sam didn’t mind being a recluse.
For tortoises, people had little use.
But when the lawnmower rapped,
Spit rocks and tap-tapped.
He thought he might have to vamoose.
He didn’t want to leave the resort
But he was done with being a good sport
When the people jumped into the pool
And thrashed and splashed like fools
And then tossed him in without thought.
Sam’s shell wasn’t meant to float.
He glugged enough water to capsize a boat.
Everything blurred
Then something softly furred
Jumped to rescue. Now on each other, they dote.
In case you missed the message, I’ll tell it to you straight…
Our beloved cool dood, Spark, played Good Samaritan.
P.S.Today is the day to celebrate all things left, including Larry, “the best man alive” who our cool dood adores –
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