by PJColando | Oct 18, 2022 | blog post
My husband and I are retired – yay! We are enjoying a permanent gap year, something that we, as Midwestern teens, didn’t know existed. A gap year was something that well-heeled kids did—backpacking through Europe as a sort of graduation gift from their...
by PJColando | Jan 25, 2022 | Adventure, blog post
Back in the day when we were working stiffs, my husband and I enjoyed Sundays as a day of rest. It was our habit to settle with a mug of coffee and several muffins, sided with fruit, and enjoy a leisurely read of three (!) Sunday papers: the LA Times, The Orange...
by PJColando | Jun 1, 2021 | blog post, In the Pink
Yesterday was Memorial Day, a day when we honor those who gave all in service to our country. We flew the flag at Casa Colando. We also crossed our hearts to sing an anthem to the home of the free and the brave when we...
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