From Baby to Babe into Middle Old Age

From Baby to Babe into Middle Old Age

The recent passage of Tina Turner prompted this post. She’d always seemed ageless and powerful, possessing a vibrance that few others on stage possessed. In fact, she sold more concert tickets than any other single female rock-and-roller until Beyonce! When Tina...
Middle Girth

Middle Girth

I was never a fan of The Lord of the Rings. Bilbo Baggins was never my friend or role model. Too many pages of tiny typeface read in a paperback rather than a college textbook… back in the day, I wanted to earn an A. At present, I’m especially not a fan of...
7 Benefits of Rehabbing Old Jeans

7 Benefits of Rehabbing Old Jeans

I recently rehabbed some old jeans. They were expensive, so I wasn’t apt to toss them. I grew up relatively poor and, as the eldest child, there were no hand-me-downs. I learned to hang on to clothing as long as it fit my lanky frame. Further, like every other...