I reached the age of the ancients, according to my hypothesis at age 21… I’m Boomer-aged.
Old Age Ain’t for Sissies.
The good news is that I’m not keeping myself together with Band-Aids. I’ve been a yoga enthusiast for a long time. I prefer to be limber than brittle. Stretching is better than breaking and I’m grateful I began the practice a long time ago.
(Image somewhat nipped-and-tugged)
Old Age Ain’t for Sissies.
Rock Tape is an ally, too. It adds its strength to ligaments and soft tissues, especially when they ache. Support is always welcome – at any age – and I prefer Rock Tape to a cane. Either comes in a range of colors, so that geezers can fluant or negate their need for public support.
Old Age Ain’t for Sissies.
Two of my best allies are Tylenol and Advil, but I haven’t need to add Celebrex to my armada against pain. Arthritis is nagging me in my right hip, but I prefer to quell it with a non-prescription med. There’s also the topical creme, Voltaren. Have you tried its remedy yet? Tried CBD?
Old Age Ain’t for Sissies.
I lift weights at the gym. Not strong ones – and not for long. It’s mini-reps for me. I ‘m a long-time water enthusiast – recommended by a physician, as less stressful on the knees.
Old Age Ain’t for Sissies.
Humor keeps me light and loose. Humor keeps angst and frustration at bay. Humor deflects pain and delights others. And, pretty soon, you build a community of Appreciators rather than Complainers. People who wile away their old age in negativity, regrets, and blame.
Lighten up! Yes, old age isn’t for sissies… but you were never a sissy at any age!
How do you manage the vagaries of age? Tell me in the comments, please and thanks.
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