“There’s an app for that.” It’s become as ubiquitous as “Can you hear me now? or “Ask Siri.”

While smart phone’s innards are famously smarter than the computers aboard Apollo 13, the ill-fated mission that limped back to Earth by the grit, brains, and determination of three gifted astronauts (read more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_13), phones – and keys and wallets and ‘stuff’ – tend to be misplaced by humans with less presence of mind that those quick-witted men who didn’t get to land on the moon.

I’ve just discovered a perfect app, touted by no less an authority than AARP. Click and see…the Tile.  https://www.thetileapp.com/?gclid=Cj0KEQiA7rmzBRDezri2r6bz1qYBEiQAg YEtrW3NfzDNr122pOTRMdncSz8PqO04Xpu_Kel0cIzmOkaAtNr8P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds&tc_tm_meth=MAN&tm_ver=3.0&tc_hpc=ub.thetileapp.com&tc_tm_tid=0&tc_tm_xg=sembrandusggl&tc_campaign=SEMBRANDUSGGL&tc_channel=SEM&tc_vendor=Google&tc_tm_uid=THET566F38087AFFD&tc_tm_visitid=THET566F38087B0A6&tc_tm_version=https://www.thetileapp.com/

For equal time, which you know I value without end, there’s TrackR. However, I didn’t want to post a link as long as my arm again. Seeing that much code makes my eyes cross with grief. But I digress…

The price of the wireless savior is $25.00. The directions are a whiz, too:

  1. Attach the wireless Tile to your wallet or keys, if you are the type to lose either or both.
  2. Install the app on your phone.
  3. When your wallet or keys are lost, use the app and the Tile will beep.

Cool! But, where’s my phone, please? How can Tile tell…when it’s on the lost phone?

Can Tile help the encroachment of old age and addled brain? I need an app for that.

imagesIt’s time to set off to see the Wizard, the Wizard of Oz.

Though by now, the Great Oz likely has Alzheimer’s, too.

What about you and yours?

Loss of phone, wallet, and/or keys is my husband’s problem, not mine btw; I have a purse for that.