A Limerick about Death and Taxes

A Limerick about Death and Taxes

Death and Taxes So, we got our taxes in on time. Having the sorting task off our backs felt sublime But, what the heck! We must write a check And that does not feel fine. Our country is trllions in debt Our check will have little impact But still, we must write We...
You know you’re old(er) when…

You know you’re old(er) when…

It’s that time of year. The parties are over and Christmas decor packed. The diet has started and I’m deep in lament. Why, exactly, did i eat all the chocolate candies, cookies, and eclectic junk? I hate this time of year, despite the days rapidly gaining...
If this car’s rocking’, don’t knock it!

If this car’s rocking’, don’t knock it!

Am I the only person in America who recalls the nightly news coverage when Senior Citizens rocked the Speaker of the House’s car? Escalating their jeers and boos and showing off their rock hard power? The year was 1989, over 25 years ago, but I was...