My Ensemble Cast Suggestions

My Ensemble Cast Suggestions

What’s more fun than one lovable main character? Five or six lovable main characters! Of course, with each additional main character you add to your narrative, you’re adding another layer of complexity to your writing process. You don’t want to have extra characters...
Hey Writer Lady: Which Character is YOU?

Hey Writer Lady: Which Character is YOU?

http://insecure writers support network blog July 3 question: What personal traits have you written into your character(s)? If you are a friend of mine – and even if you’re not – you may have heard me say, “I enjoy my characters and their world...


It was the 60’s in northwestern Indiana. Though our small town was proximate to the trials of the Chicago 7 and pre-election riots televised for all to see, we were worlds apart.  We lived the idyllic, self-contained, ritualistic life of those close to the land....