There’s No Place like Home

There’s No Place like Home

“There’s no place like home,” Dorothy famously said. (my husband and i wed in my parents’home. This post is written on the date of their wedding anniversary, which I’m certain they are celebrating in heaven) “There’s no place...
Shitty Shitty Bang-Bang!

Shitty Shitty Bang-Bang!

Six-foot Social Distance in the new norm of Quarantine. Six feet away kept one safe. However, coupled with our enforced homestay, from mid-March to Memorial Day, was a home remodel gone wild. Six feet away, on the other side of our lot line. It was difficult to remain...
Life as a Miracle: Satchel Easy-Peasy

Life as a Miracle: Satchel Easy-Peasy

Life as a Miracle for the Colando couple seems to revolve around airports, not a door. Life as a Miracle related to travel validates our quest, our zest for forays throughout the world. The one I’ll relate in this post rolls back to 1993, when my husband...