Artificial or Real: Which Writing will Prevail?

Artificial or Real: Which Writing will Prevail?

Let’s rock the neurotic writing world! Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG. The awesome co-hosts for the October 4 posting of the IWSG are Natalie Aguirre, Kim Lajevardi, Debs Carey, Gwen Gardner, Patricia Josephine, and Rebecca Douglass! October 4...


I came of age when women were newly encouraged to be equal, to take charge, to surge upward, “lean in.” As a result of this insurrection – and the recent spate of down-sizing higher echelon men – 20% of women ages 40 – 69 earn about the...


I said good-bye to thousands of people in the past several days, and then threw them in the trash. Details of restoration and recovery of skills, details of loss and re-birth, notes of triumphs and tears – documented in manila files.      I finger-traced all the...