The Spin

The Spin

Conflict, drama, travail…life constantly spins little ‘hiccups’ into one’s cycle, no matter what the schedule, the plan. Jump in, jump back, circle around again, sort of like the spin cycle of a washing machine, a ‘soap opera’, if...


In the early ’80s Myers-Briggs came around, sweeping the Irvine Unified School District into its cyclone path, spitting out personality type info ad hoc. I worked at a small elementary school with perhaps two dozen staff – and everyone was an ENFJ!...
May Day!

May Day!

  Remember that holiday rite where you left a bouquet at a the front door of a friend, rang the doorbell, and ran away? Me neither. May be it was a florists’ dream from the 1950s. Established as the first of May and entitled May Day! Which, of course, is a...