The Power of Re

The Power of Re

As my friends and family know, I’m enamored with all things Egyptian. My husband and I have traveled to the country three times. A little-known fact is that Pharaoh Akhenaten, who was married to the fabulously beautiful Nefertiti also mandated the rule of one...
The Power of Relationships

The Power of Relationships

2020 has been a heck of a year, one which I never wish to repeat. What powered us through was reciprocal relationships – my husband and I never missed a haircut. We shored the spirits of our shared hairstylist, helping to keep her afloat financially as well as...
Authority in Language; Authority in Speech

Authority in Language; Authority in Speech

Do you have authority in your language when you speak and write? Want to know how… well, follow me 😉 Authority in language begins from vocabulary selections. For instance, strong verbs. Authority in language derives...
Language is Everything

Language is Everything

Language is Beauty – words, rhythm, turns of phrase. Language is deathless – once written, it can be seen forever, uncensored like thoughts and spoken words. Language has a beat and singers sing to it, drummers drum to it, audiences enjoy it. Few other critters in...
If this car’s rocking’, don’t knock it!

If this car’s rocking’, don’t knock it!

Am I the only person in America who recalls the nightly news coverage when Senior Citizens rocked the Speaker of the House’s car? Escalating their jeers and boos and showing off their rock hard power? The year was 1989, over 25 years ago, but I was...