Regrets, I have a few…

Regrets, I have a few…

August 2 question: Have you ever written something that afterward you felt conflicted about? If so, did you let it stay how it was, take it out, or rewrite it? Well, well, well. This is an interesting topic… I’m a writer who has a keen sense of irony, a...


I have this teeshirt. I don’t wear it much. Not many of my peer peeps ‘get’ it. Any more than they ‘get’ Irony. Since I am of the Boomer age, many peers are wrinkly, which may causally relate…  Though one would think differently...
Incredulous on an Airplane 2

Incredulous on an Airplane 2

You know what Irony is, don’t you. It’s the opposite of Wrinkly. But seriously, irony is a staple of a writer’s life, a tone I grasp when engaged in conversation with others. What follows is one of the all-time best of my life. I was going to Indiana...