Frigid Stare

Frigid Stare

Frigid stare. If I parked a sparkly new Corvette on our freezer’s eye level shelf or deposited a shiny diamond in the vegetable crisper, my husband would just hold the door open and gape. For seconds which seem like days. In full view of a wife who wants to save...
Bye-bye Twinkies

Bye-bye Twinkies

It was 10:00 in the morning. My husband was away; we didn’t need any groceries, but I felt compelled to go to the store. I bought bananas, milk, and cereal although I’d already eaten breakfast after my morning walk. The store had a tabletop display right in the middle...
Light another candle

Light another candle

“Thank u to u and ur husband for one of the nicest dinners out I have ever enjoyed by myself!” Her wig was disheveled and obvious to a chemo survivor like me, and she was scrunched tight into the corner table, dining with an i-Phone facebook page. The glow...