Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

We – the majority of Americans who voted last week, not me, myself, or I –  just elected a guy who’s fine with the climate crisis and increasingly drastic swirls of weather, children and teachers getting shot in school, with no Department of...
Election Day

Election Day

My husband and I will awaken before dawn on our national election day. Our lives will improve in a couple of ways, for better rather than worse we pray. an ENT/surgeon will remove the two amorphous growths on my parathyroid, alleviating a long-standing issue with...
Costa Rica, Here I Come

Costa Rica, Here I Come

If the November election goes south and the MAGA-mad majority elects Mr. ‘Dictator on Day One’, my husband and I will become ex-pats. ‘Don Poorleone’ should be buried in lawsuits, convictions, and debt. but he’s not. Holy teflon crap!...
The Lincoln Bedroom and the Resolute Desk

The Lincoln Bedroom and the Resolute Desk

Though he’s been voted out, what if the present Prez refuses to move out of his White House abode? We already allowed him nearly four weeks to sue, shovel, and shift the votes his way… but that didn’t satisfy him. He tantrumped*, spouting lawsuits,...