Paradise Lost, Part Two

Paradise Lost, Part Two

By the time she’d made her way to Booth #1, Grace’s legs felt as if she’d slogged twenty-four miles. Her heart had met its test of endurance—so far. “It’s a goldang mess,” Ferguson muttered to no one in particular, though Grace overheard his remark. There wasn’t a...
Paradise Lost, Part Two

Paradise is Not on the Menu

Grace turned off the water tap after she’d effectively soaped both palms. The Camp Fire was 100% disaster and fury—marching across Butte County, CA as if lit by Sherman in his scorched earth policy that helped to end the Civil War—so she focused on the small. After...
Kindness Sparks in the Age of COVID-

Kindness Sparks in the Age of COVID-

At that time in recent history, none of us had experienced – or witnessed a pandemic. Only in movies did mayhem reign, like in ‘Contagion’ or ‘Panic in the Streets.’ Mobs looting pharmacies and neighbor turning on neighbor. Ruthlessly...