Dining with Excellence and Flair

Dining with Excellence and Flair

Question: “If you could have dinner with any person, who would it be?” Aristotle, Socrates or Plato? Thomas Jefferson or Ben Franklin or both? I might choose Paul McCartney or Brad Pitt, though I’d likely be tongue-tied when seated across from...
My husband is the Dalai Lama of listeners

My husband is the Dalai Lama of listeners

  My husband, Larry, is a listener. Me, too. A frequent compliment for my writing is that “PJ Colando has a very good dialogue ear.” You don’t have to guess where it comes from. I’m dedicated, well-practiced, empathetic, entuned. Yet, I...
Heart-shaped eats

Heart-shaped eats

  My husband and I met and married when a popular TV ad showed a newlywed couple readying for bed, the husband taking Alka Seltzer in the foreground while the wife reclined in delusional triumph in the background for having prepared a heart-shaped meatloaf for...