Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

We – the majority of Americans who voted last week, not me, myself, or I –  just elected a guy who’s fine with the climate crisis and increasingly drastic swirls of weather, children and teachers getting shot in school, with no Department of...
Dining with Excellence and Flair

Dining with Excellence and Flair

Question: “If you could have dinner with any person, who would it be?” Aristotle, Socrates or Plato? Thomas Jefferson or Ben Franklin or both? I might choose Paul McCartney or Brad Pitt, though I’d likely be tongue-tied when seated across from...
My husband is the Dalai Lama of listeners

My husband is the Dalai Lama of listeners

  My husband, Larry, is a listener. Me, too. A frequent compliment for my writing is that “PJ Colando has a very good dialogue ear.” You don’t have to guess where it comes from. I’m dedicated, well-practiced, empathetic, entuned. Yet, I...
Heart-shaped eats

Heart-shaped eats

  My husband and I met and married when a popular TV ad showed a newlywed couple readying for bed, the husband taking Alka Seltzer in the foreground while the wife reclined in delusional triumph in the background for having prepared a heart-shaped meatloaf for...