Dining with Excellence and Flair

Dining with Excellence and Flair

Question: “If you could have dinner with any person, who would it be?” Aristotle, Socrates or Plato? Thomas Jefferson or Ben Franklin or both? I might choose Paul McCartney or Brad Pitt, though I’d likely be tongue-tied when seated across from...
From Baby to Babe into Middle Old Age

From Baby to Babe into Middle Old Age

The recent passage of Tina Turner prompted this post. She’d always seemed ageless and powerful, possessing a vibrance that few others on stage possessed. In fact, she sold more concert tickets than any other single female rock-and-roller until Beyonce! When Tina...
Never Taking Travel for Granted again

Never Taking Travel for Granted again

Today is my __ wedding anniversary. My husband retains that stat. I can only say that I can’t recall life without him. We share many of the same values: truth, honesty, sense of humor, goals, and on and on and on… Neither takes themself too seriously. We...
Around the House a Union of Opposites Work

Around the House a Union of Opposites Work

I am the type of person who closes a safety pin before tossing in a drawer; my husband is not. In his defense, he’s a leftie, so he fumbles with the thin metal clasp and, well, safety pins are somewhat passe. I am a former 4-H seamstress, as well as the oldest...